Pricing is based on each individual project & the needs of that project.
In order to book a project with SCM:
50% of the total cost will be due upfront in order to secure the booking, and the remaining 50% is paid the day of.
A time, date & location will be established
Once the project details are confirmed, the client will receive a contract to confirm the details
NOVember 19 2019 - Gavin degraw
This was the day I filmed the Musician's On Call 20th anniversary ceremony at Edison Ballroom, in NYC. Gavin DeGraw & Charles Esten were amongst those who performed that night, and Vivek Tiwary and Michael Solomon were recipients of the "Lifetime Achievement Award". Musicians On Call is a nonprofit organization founded by Vivek Tiwary and Michael Solomon that brings live and recorded music to the bedside of patients in healthcare facilities
February 2021 - train town
This month I started working on a documentary called "Life of a Train Layout", which is about the story of how a man built a train layout inspired by memories of his family. That man, is my father & it's been a really fun project to work on so far.
August 11 2020 - "Your light"
On this day I released the video I shot for my original song "Your Light". It's a song I had been working on before the pandemic but didn't have the time to finish until recently. The song is important to me because it was written with the intention to inspire people to understand that their life matters, and that the world wouldn't be the same without the light of each and every one of us.
Watch here - https://vimeo.com/446973324